Olympia Zen Center
Order of Ryokan
Celebrating 25 years in 2025
Weekly Practice Schedule
Practice at Olympia Zen Center is open to all. Our practice schedule changes from time to time. The best way to stay current with everything at Olympia Zen Center is to sign up for our weekly email digest, where all upcoming events & announcements are published.
Wednesday & Friday Mornings
6:30 am Zazen, Robe Verse
7:10 Morning Ceremony
7:30 Opening the Founder's Altar
7:45 Finish
Wednesday Evenings
6:00 pm Orientation for Newcomers
6:45 Zazen
7:25 Ceremony
7:40 Teisho (Dharma Talk)
8:10 Social Time
Saturday Mornings
8:00 am Zazen
8:40 Ceremony
9:00 Temple Care (Soji)
9:30 Breakfast and study. We choose texts in the Sōtō Zen tradition
for weekly study/discussion, but newcomers are welcome.
11:00 Finish
First Saturday of Each Month
Temple Work Practice (Samu)
We schedule longer work periods on the first Saturday of each month, just after the regular Saturday practice schedule.
8:00 - 11:00 am Regular Saturday practice
11:00 am - 1:00 pm Samu, work practice to care for our temple grounds
and other projects. A simple lunch is provided
Third Saturday of Each Month
One-Day Retreat
9:00 am to 4:00 pm
Includes Zazen, Ceremony, Lunch (provided), Temple Care & Dokusan
Our Zoom Meeting ID: 871 9656 1538
Our Liturgy: